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Herb Bouquet

bouquet of herbs

Herbs are useful plants. They can be used to spice foods, make tea and home remedies. In addition to being edible, they can be beautiful and smell nice. Some herbs are also useful to repel pests. Herbs may be grown as part of a garden or ground cover.

Geffrye Herbarium

Geffrye Herbarium


  • mints - spearmint, peppermint
  • basil
  • garlic
    As well as being a wonderful, fragrant spice that can be added to many recipes, basil and garlic have reputations for repelling some garden pests, especially those that like tomatoes.
  • lemon balm
  • lavender
  • oregano
LOADs of wild garlic..

wild garlic - ground cover under the trees

Ground cover[]


Green garden

green, herb garden

